
7 Dragons flew in from the south

Dragons fly aimlessly across the sky. Using sine to flap the wings and wiggle the tail. The shape of each dragon was drawn in vector, then exported to SVG and compressed slightly by using:


The resulting shape data is 56 bytes:

! ((&(&*$($,&.)/-.0,4%3"7$;(@/EAA<?:<9;;88573729/7,6(8&;

Compressed code (1024 bytes):

L=300,k=a.width,q=a.height,r=Math,s=r.cos,t=r.sin,v=r.random,w=0,x=r.PI,y=[],z=[];function B(){a.width=k;for(j=0;7>j;j++)y[j]||(y[j]=C()),y[j]();w++;requestAnimationFrame(B)}
function C(){var l=j,h=.1+l*l/49,m=v()*k/h,n=q/h,A=3+5*v(),p=x,u=p,d=[];return function(){if(-L>m||m>k/h+L||-L>n||n>q/h+L){var b=k/h/2-m,e=q/h/2-n;p=u=r.atan(b/e)+(0>e?x:0)}else u+=.1*v()-.05,p-=.1*(p-u);m+=t(p)*A;n+=s(p)*A;for(i=0;70>i;i++)if(i){w||(d[i]={x:m,y:n});var e=d[i-1],b=d[i].x-e.x,e=d[i].y-e.y,g=r.sqrt(b*b+e*e),f=r.atan(e/b)+x/2+(0>b?x:0),g=4<g?.5:2<g?(g-2)/4:0;d[i].x-=b*g;d[i].y-=e*g;d[i].a=s(f);d[i].b=t(f);if(20==i)var l=f}else d[i]={x:m,y:n,a:0,b:0};c.moveTo(d[0].x,d[0].y);
for(i=0;154>i;i+=2)77>i?(b=i,e=1):(b=152-i,e=-1),f=z[b],g=d[z[b+1]],56<=b?(f=56-b,f=t(f/3+.1*w)*f*e,f=20-b/4+f,g=d[2*b-83]):13<b&&(f=4+(f-4)*(t((-f/2+w)/25*A/4)+2)*2,g.a=s(l),g.b=t(l)),c.lineTo((g.x+f*e*g.a)*h,(g.y+f*e*g.b)_h);c.fill()}}'! ((&(&_$($,&.)/-.0,4%3"7$;(@/EAA<?:<9;;88573729/7,6(8&;'.split("").map(function(l,h){z[h]=l.charCodeAt(0)-32});B();

Expanded code:

(L = 300),
	(k = a.width),
	(q = a.height),
	(r = Math),
	(s = r.cos),
	(t = r.sin),
	(v = r.random),
	(w = 0),
	(x = r.PI),
	(y = []),
	(z = []);
function B() {
	a.width = k;
	for (j = 0; 7 > j; j++) y[j] || (y[j] = C()), y[j]();
function C() {
	var l = j,
		h = 0.1 + (l * l) / 49,
		m = (v() * k) / h,
		n = q / h,
		A = 3 + 5 * v(),
		p = x,
		u = p,
		d = [];
	return function () {
		if (-L > m || m > k / h + L || -L > n || n > q / h + L) {
			var b = k / h / 2 - m,
				e = q / h / 2 - n;
			p = u = r.atan(b / e) + (0 > e ? x : 0);
		} else (u += 0.1 * v() - 0.05), (p -= 0.1 * (p - u));
		m += t(p) * A;
		n += s(p) * A;
		for (i = 0; 70 > i; i++)
			if (i) {
				w || (d[i] = { x: m, y: n });
				var e = d[i - 1],
					b = d[i].x - e.x,
					e = d[i].y - e.y,
					g = r.sqrt(b * b + e * e),
					f = r.atan(e / b) + x / 2 + (0 > b ? x : 0),
					g = 4 < g ? 0.5 : 2 < g ? (g - 2) / 4 : 0;
				d[i].x -= b * g;
				d[i].y -= e * g;
				d[i].a = s(f);
				d[i].b = t(f);
				if (20 == i) var l = f;
			} else d[i] = { x: m, y: n, a: 0, b: 0 };
		c.moveTo(d[0].x, d[0].y);
		for (i = 0; 154 > i; i += 2)
			77 > i ? ((b = i), (e = 1)) : ((b = 152 - i), (e = -1)),
				(f = z[b]),
				(g = d[z[b + 1]]),
				56 <= b
					? ((f = 56 - b), (f = t(f / 3 + 0.1 * w) * f * e), (f = 20 - b / 4 + f), (g = d[2 * b - 83]))
					: 13 < b && ((f = 4 + (f - 4) * (t((((-f / 2 + w) / 25) * A) / 4) + 2) * 2), (g.a = s(l)), (g.b = t(l))),
				c.lineTo((g.x + f * e * g.a) * h, (g.y + f * e * g.b) * h);
'! ((&(&*$($,&.)/-.0,4%3"7$;(@/EAA<?:<9;;88573729/7,6(8&;'.split("").map(function (l, h) {
	z[h] = l.charCodeAt(0) - 32;

