Fire 40th ansi

Fire’s 40th anniversary pack celebrating 30 years

I drew some ansi art to celebrate Fire’s 30th Anniversary.

Fire, one of iCE’s main adversaries, has been around since 1994. Mostly revived by the effort of Nail in recent years, their creative output has been consistent well after the real need for ansi disappeared.


This solo piece was actually the largest non logo art I’ve ever done:

Fire by sq2

Gully with Slothy & Nail

Additionally, I did the logo for this joint:

Gully by slothy, nail & sq2

Other favourites from the pack

The Fire Witch by Tainted

Taco Pronto by Savage + Luciano

Pharcyde by Tainted

To be honest, all the artwork was great, and I’d say the quality over the years of this post BBS ansi art is excellent… I guess it’s done for the love rather than a purpose.

I think my urge to draw in this blocky 16 colour format has been revived after being dormant for more than 2 decades. Maybe.