Airtasker 404 Game

Land the original Airtasker shoe over multiple levels

Play the game here

Made in my free time, the CEO/COO were more than happy to have this game as our 404 page - kudos Jono & Tim! I was employee #9. So many fond memories from this early time at Airtasker.

This game was live on for about 8 years from 2014 - 2022 as the 404 page. It was removed as part of the rebrand/redesign late 2022/early 2023.

Originally written in CoffeeScript using Backbone.js templates, it was then converted to es6 by pretty compiling around 2017, and mid 2023 manually cleaned up.

The original code had saving high score functionality:

We used to have a field on the user which would allow any sort of JSON blob. Keen to see if anyone working at Airtasker now with access to the DB can find remnants of these scores? On the user record, look for web_display_options, and inside that lunar_highscore.

Play the game here

Built in Vanilla Javascript with no dependencies. The full source code is available here