

Welcome to raurir.com

The home of Rauri Rochford.

In a nutshell this site is all about manipulating pixels.

With almost 25 years of web programming, 30 years of design (the latter half being very inactive) and multiple apps published to Apple’s AppStore and GoogePlay, anything goes!

Comprehensive experience with:

  • Any framework, no framework
  • WebGL, Canvas, DOM, SVG, Flash
  • Ansi art, pixel art, 3D art, generative art
  • Pixels, Texels, Glyphs
  • Bitmap, Vector, Shader
  • Demo scene, electronic music scene… your scene?


This site used to be on esquemedia.com, from circa 2000 - 2023. In early 2024 it was moved to raurir.com
